Saturday morning sick days

It is finally the weekend, and after a rather long workweek I am happy for Saturday to be here. Especially since I had my last workout of the week planned for today focusing on lower body and core.

Unfortunately, the long week and lack of sleep got the best of me. Despite popping cold meds, drinking hot liquids and trying to get more sleep, I have come down with a cold.

Getting sick blows. We all know that. But I think for some of us who are trying to make a routine out of hitting the gym and keeping up a healthy lifestyle, being sick means something different to us. So I thought I would write a post about sick days.

Does getting sick mean taking the day off and recuperating with some hot tea and soup?

Or… does it mean taking enough cold meds to disorientate yourself into going full-beast mode at the gym while ignoring nervous glances from fellow gym members every time you have a phlegm-induced cough attack?

For some people, they might go with the later and tell you that “THERE ARE NO EXCUSES”.

I love the eagerness, but sometimes I think it’s okay to give yourself a real, non-scheduled rest day. In fact, if you’re like me, going full throttle on days that you are feeling under the weather will mean getting 10 times sicker and being out for the rest of the week.

So, I took my own advice today. I made myself a pot of homemade chicken noodle soup and took the day off from the gym. I don’t know if chicken-vegetable noodle soup actually makes you better, but it makes me feel better so it’s my go to. I hunkered down in comfy clothes and pretended like I had nothing important to do (for even a couple hours).


My chicken-vegetable soup included:

  • Onions
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Peas
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Diced chicken breast (precooked)
  • Quinoa penne pasta
  • Chicken broth
  • Worcester sauce
  • Tabasco sauce
  • Mixed spices (black pepper, thyme, basil, oregano)


I chose a Quinoa based pasta not just because it is gluten free (I don’t stick to a gluten free diet by any means) but it is packed with extra protein. The extra hot sauce gives it a kick but is also great for colds, stuffy nose no more!

First, I sautéed the veggies in a pot with olive oil, and once the veggies were cooked down, I added the chicken broth. I boiled my pasta in a separate pot, but you can throw it in the whole soup, you will just need more broth. Once it was altogether, I tossed in some seasoning (I never measure) and added the cooked chicken. Allow that to simmer for a bit and voila! Homemade chicken-veggie noodle soup ready to enjoy.

I even wore the right shirt for the occasion. Maybe this could be my designated sick-day t-shirt?


No photos today, I look like death.

Hopefully today’s recuperation will get me ready for tomorrow’s busy day. I mean, I can run but I can’t hide from my commitments (for long).

Here’s to hoping you have a happy, healthy weekend!


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